Yuppie Gamers Team

Thursday, 26 March 2009

A Real Time GAME TV

Bored watching G4TV? This is just what you needed!Of course is Justin TV!

According to a BusinessWire news report ( read the excerpt below ) Justin.tv is the largest online community for people to broadcast, watch and interact around live video.
Based on global network traffic, Justin.tv attracts 41.4 million monthly unique visitors, more than Hulu (28.1 million) and Veoh (22.5 million). In addition, according to Google Analytics, Justin.tv’s year-over-year traffic has grown by 1,800 percent2.
Justin TV is also broadcasting a live videogames channel:

Watch live video from It's Game Time on Justin.tv

Here's part of what BusinessWre is reporting today:

"Following are the current Quantcast3 metrics for Justin.tv (as of March 25, 2009):

* 41.4 million monthly unique visitors
* 412 million monthly page views
* 751 million monthly impressions (embeds + page views)

In addition to being the largest live video site on the Web, with more than 428,000 channels broadcasting live video and 1.75 million hours of video watched per day4, Justin.tv is also leading the growing trend of engagement around online video. When looking at the most discussed video of all time on YouTube, the rate at which viewers engaged through text comments, video responses and ratings was only one in five5. The rate for Justin.tv’s network is one engagement for every two video views6. Beyond basic video comments and ratings on other static video sites, Justin.tv enables its viewers to engage in live, real-time chat about the content that they are currently viewing.

Justin.tv's live video platform scales to support massive audiences by measuring demand in real-time and intelligently replicating streams to additional servers to meet that demand. Constructed by a team of MIT and Yale graduates, the Justin.tv platform pushes more than 177 Gbps of video at peak usage – the equivalent of 16,946 standard DVDs per hour7. "

P.S. on Quantcast:
Quantcast directly-measures traffic for more than 10 million Web destinations through its Quantified Publisher program.

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